Back pain and crying with frustration

My back.hurts so bad :-( I ask my boyfriend to rub out one of the knots in my lower back so I can walk normally and he starts bitching how I never rub his back... which is a lie, im just not strong enough and he complains everytime I do until i get the stupid vibrating massager and use that on his back(which hurts my already messed up wrists) so i cant walk and my boyfriend is being a jerk and to all off I'm an emotional so.i.just start bawling when he.refuses to.rub my back and now he's trying to.act all nice.... but still.wont rub my back :(
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Posted at
Try a chiropractor or getting a massage! That's not right that he's being a jerk, but if he's not going to help you, help yourself. Don't wait for him! Feel better 


Posted at
He's a jerk! Your carrying his child it's the least he can do instead of saying what you don't do for him. He's selfish and needs to grow up!!!!


Posted at
I don't even have to ask to get a back rub from my fiancé. It would make me angry if he thought he has any right to complain! Don't ask him anymore, instead go to a chiropractor (if you have insurance) or ask a friend. Show him you're fine without him and he'll change his attitude to "no wait sorry" if he's a real man. A real man wants to be wanted and won't like seeing you get your needs met elsewhere.


Posted at
Heating pad or hot shower with the water massaging your low back. It works! Sorry your guy is being such a jerk about it. :(


Posted at
So sorry hunny, this is such a not fun thing to have happen. If you can, go to a massage school, the prices are very low, and you can request a more experienced student who can do pregnancy massage. And if at any time you are uncomfortable, you can have them stop. They even have special pillows/bolsters for pregnancy.