Who gets up with the baby?

So I’m a SAHM and I of course am the one who gets up with our daughter. She’s 5 months old now and I have always been the one up with. Willingly of course. Love that angel. But I’m just curious for any of you other ladies, does your working husband get up with the baby at all? My husband might get up with her if it’s the weekend but that’s only on occasion. There’s been times where he’s gotten up to pee in the night (on a week night) and seen her stirring but has laid right back down. Or she’s woken up at 6:30 am and he gets up for work at 7:00 am but he still lays down and I get up with her. Do you guys ever trade off so you can get just a little more sleep? This isn’t a compliant I’m just curious how it works for others.