How to get my dog to eat?

So I've posted a couple of times here about my dog who had emergency surgery last week Thursday. He was discharged yesterday afternoon, but I'm struggling to get him to eat today!

Last night he had some soft food and a bit of a chicken treat with no problem. Today I had to literally force feed him a bit of chicken so he could take his medication (antibiotics and painkiller). After I had to force feed one piece he happily ate the rest.

Now tonight he doesn't want to eat his food. It is the same food as last night which he happily ate, but he is literally running away from his bowl tonight. I have to give him another antibiotic so I need him to eat. I even topped it with some plain Yoghurt which he normally loves!

We don't have much in the house food wise, but I'm thinking of cooking up an egg for him and seeing if he'll eat that?

Any other tips?

*update : tried the egg, he is not interested at all.

*second update : he can't have kibble as he had dental surgery alongside this other surgery but I managed to get him to eat about two tablespoons of plain Yoghurt so hopefully that will spark his appetite. I also phoned the vet and they said if he's still not eating properly by tomorrow afternoon I must bring him back.