5 days post 5day FET (2ww)


I’m going crazy 😩... is any one else in the 2ww. Here are my symptoms so far:

Day 1 post transfer:

Tired, shortness of breath? , twinges left ovary area, stomach chills? Sore back. Slight headache. Crave red lobster salad. Frequent urination. I’m cold. Woke twice during night to pee.

2 days post transfer

Sore boobs

Sore back

Dull aches and cramps

Pulling feeling 10 sec on left uterine area @915am

Woke up twice in night to pee

Heightened smell

Strong smell urine?

3 days post transfer

Feeling normal

Strong smell urine

Sore breast on sides


Mild cramps/ aches

4 days post transfer

Mild cramps aches

Sore boobs


I’m Freezing cold

Hot flash

5 days post transfer

Mild cramps, twinges, and aches

Sore breasts

Sharp cramp in uterus


I’m Cold