Josie Louise & Our Amazing Birth Story


Josie Louise arrived early on 3/7/21 at 1:02am at 38 weeks and 4 days!

My water broke at home on Saturday at exactly 3pm. I grabbed a shower did some cleaning and headed to the hospital around 5pm. I’m a FTM so as much as I wanted to wait at home my doctor wanted me to head in. I had zero contractions just the broken waters.

When I got the the hospital I was 2.5cm dilated, which I was 2cm when I was checked at my 38 week apt on Thursday. They hooked my up to Pitocin since my waters were pretty much gushing still.

I walked around the corridor and stayed on my feet until about 8pm when they checked me again because contractions had started and were pretty painful. I was at 4 cm and opted to get some pain meds through my IV. The meds were only set to last an hour

By 9pm the meds had worn off and I was struggling!! I decided to get an epidural, which failed on the left and only jumbled the right. But after the first attempt they checked me again and I was at 10 cm. They gave me the option to push or try and fix the epidural and then let baby labor down more because she was still kind of high.

I opted to get a second epidural because contractions while 10cm dilated one one side seemed way worse then contractions without the epidural😆🤦🏻‍♀️

The second epidural didn’t work either but at that point it was time to go. I pushed for 30 minutes and Baby Girl was here!

Total labor was 10 hours almost exactly and we are all healthy and blessed. God is so faithful!