Holy crap, my DH is annoying!

Good lord, I've been up since about 2:30 am I just can't get comfortable and have horrible heartburn so I waddled my ass out of bed about 3 this morning, we have 3 kids and 2 nephews living here so I figured I can't sleep I'll enjoy some peace and quiet. He got up for work and has seriously asked me 800 questions walked in and out of our bedroom at least 10 times (our door is noisy and our 4 yr old is asleep in our bed) I know he's getting ready for work but my GOD when I have to work I get my clothes shoes underwear bra all that out the night before and put it in the closet in the bathroom so I'm not disturbing anyone and I work nightshifts, the man has never done a load of laundry in the 11 yrs I've been with him and he still doesn't understand the concept of where his clean clothes are, babe where is my belt? Are my tan overalls in the closet? What about my jeans you know the ones that I wore to the parade over the weekend, did you find my wallet in my pants? Seriously man get your shit together I've got a half hr of peace before all hell breaks loose in this house and your annoying the crap right out of me! Lol I love him so much, and he works so hard but some days I'm just a crabby ass and I want to be left alone! As D-day gets closer and I'm still pregnant and getting bigger and bigger and bigger my ability to not be annoyed shrinks. I am so looking forward to having my body back (well not my boobs I guess) and being comfortable in my own skin its not funny!