1st Positive Jitters

After 5 months of trying my partner and I finally got a positive test over the weekend, a late period made me want to take a test.
I know I'm less than 4 weeks but I'm nervous as all heck because in my past I've had to make the hard decision more times than I'd like to admit of having multiple abortions because or rape and ectopic pregnancies, I've also had miscarriages by the end of the 1st trimester and 2 at the 20 week mark
This is my first planned pregnancy and I couldn't  be happier but I'm scared of losing this beautiful gift because of my past. 
I have a doctors appointment tomorrow afternoon to discuss the chances of it going either way which I'm most anxious about.
My partner knows of my past and understands the chances... I feel like I'm going to let him down and myself too if bubs does not  make it full term. 
This is just a vent. But please keep us in your prayers.