How do I get my 8 month old puppy to come inside🙄

This girl right here has been outside for almost an hour and will not come in no matter what I do.

(Don’t mind my brown grass, snow just melted)

My other dog, who’s 8, comes right away as soon as I tell him. My old dog was the same so when we got her I figured I would be able to get her to be the same but no such luck yet. 8 years ago was a long time ago.

I’m at a loss of what to do and it’s really stressing me out. We were coaxing her in with treats but she’s too smart for that now.

I’m utterly terrified that she’ll get off her leash on a walk and not come back to me and get hurt or lost.

If anyone has any tips that would be greatly appreciated! I specifically am hoping to teach her the command “come”

She is lucky she’s so darn cute🙄

Ps she just came in after I finished writing my post lol but still need advice for the next time!