Early/fast ovulation after chemical pregnancy?


Sorry for the long post - I’m super confused and bummed..

Pic is of my OPK tests since day 5 of this cycle... testing 2 times a day. Mid morning/mid afternoon.

I have a pretty normal 34-35 day cycle ever since coming off birth control back in November. Last month we had a condom get stuck inside me 2 days before peak OPK test (cycle day 20-21) ... fast forward 8DPO (cycle day 29) i was SO tired and just felt different, took test ended up BFP! Sadly a couple days later on day 31 my VFL started to fade and completely BFN by day 32 ending in chemical pregnancy.😭

We are now excitedly TTC after losing our little surprise. My period started day 34 on time, it was heavy clumps on day 1 with horrible cramping but calmed back to normal period flow day ended early on day 4, March 1st (Normal 5 day periods).

I’ve been tracking my ovulation with OPK tests/CM and the glow chart... i should be ovulating March 20-21 time. However my OPK test peaked this morning? I have been testing twice a day so took another a couple hours later, it was still semi dark but fading back down.

Could I be ovulating already this early? It’s only day 10 of my cycle (normal ovulation is day 20-21, i have 34 day cycles) Since I tested a peak OPK positive this morning and then a fading positive, did I ovulate last night and my window is gone?

I had some quick mild ovulating type cramps earlier, they’ve gone away at this point in the day. Hubs is coming home from work now to BD just in case 🤣 but I’m so sad and afraid i missed my chance!

Has anyone had a super early ovulation after chemical pregnancy or a shorter cycle pushing ovulation earlier? Is it possible for ovulation to happy last night, we BD tonight and still have sperm meet its egg?

I’m so bummed. It’s like it came on fast and early then left 😅 dang whirlwind tornado ovulation!