Subchorionic Hemorrhage/Hematoma at 10 weeks


On Monday (3/8) I had a very sudden and heavy bleed of red blood, no clotting. DH and I went to the ER and they discovered a 3.6cm in size SCH that had burst.

Baby was fine with a 176 FHR.

The Physician in the ER told us that it is now a waiting game to see if I’ll miscarry. My cervix was closed during the pelvic exam she performed.

My OB spoke to me the next day and said these “typically” resolve themselves and mine won’t harm the placenta.

I’m still bleeding lightly and will go hours with no blood or spotting brown blood.

Has this happened to anyone and can offer me advice? I am seeing my Dr in person Friday but I don’t think they’re giving me an ultrasound. I’ll be 11 weeks this Friday.

I am nervous, every time I see blood I am petrified and worried sick.