Period length prolonged due to covid stress


So my family had been really good during the covid-19 pandemic. So good that we were nearly a year clean since the outbreak in the East coast USA.... (please I want this vaccine T_T) but my father had come down with covid and spread it to the rest of my family (minus me) before admitting he had it. He went to the hospital and stayed on a ventilator for almost 10 days and was getting better. He came home & is sounding better than ever, despite his energy levels not being their original normal 100%.

But my issue is that throughout this time. I had gotten my period. The stress and fear that my dad could’ve not recovered was terrifying. My mom and older sister were stressed and were suffering from more mild symptoms of covid. So they were weak and anxious leaving me the most ‘able’ physically and covid-free person to do house work.

(I’m glad they’ve calmed down since my dad came home)

But my period has fluctuated from heavy -> medium -> spotting at the end of the cycle.... to returning entirely from light -> spotting -> medium.

I’m worried because while I understand period flows can be abnormal depending on personal life and health and everything (honestly it’s problematic because we go through so much -girls/women- every month but alas and alack) it is surprising that this is now my day 20 of my period whereas my typical period is anywhere from 6-8 days from heavy to light flow.

I signed up for a doctor’s appointment with a female so I can ask professional advice later. But that’s not for a month essentially.

I was curious if anyone else had hit this as an issue during this pandemic. If so, what did you do to deal with the extended period?

Thank you for reading this... it became a rant, sorry.