my cats are crazy help


We have 3 cats a 12 year old and a pair of 3 year olds. We also have a 21 month old toddler and I am pregnant.

I am exhausted and for the last 2 weeks our cats have been regularly crazy. No explanation. They are clawing at doors, knocking cups over, body slamming eachother none stop. This is going on morning noon and night. I am getting no sleep.

They have plenty of attention, clean litter, food, filtered water, cat climbers, cat scratches, toys, big home to be in. They are absolutely nuts. I am losing my mind. They have never been like this.

They are up till midnight, husband leaves for work at 3 Am and they are back at it till midnight again. I am home with them and give them all attention. Like this is making no sense to me.

Need advice!?!?!?!