RANT!!! I hate being pregnant.


Let me start of by saying I dont hate my child, I dont regret her & I'm excited for her to be here but I'm fucking tired of being pregnant. I'm tired of people talking to me/ treating me however they want because I'm pregnant and know I wont do anything about it while being pregnant. I appreciate my mom trying to help me out these last 3 months of my pregnancy since I kicked out my ex but what I dont like is her being too overbearing sometimes. I get up to pee every 5mins and everytime I get up she has to ask if I'm ok. I get it, she wants to make sure I'm ok, but come on- every single time? And then my younger siblings have to make stupid comments about my eating habits because "I eat too much& pee too much". Dude, if it was up to me I wouldnt be eating fucking 50 times a day. You really think I enjoy waking up every hour to eat? And every 5mins to pee? I cant fucking help it. I've tried everything and nothing helps. Ohh and let's not forget the damn heartburn I get from eating just about anything (and it just so happens I'm always eating!) OR the fact I CANT BREATHE at night so I gotta toss n turn all night with only 3-6 hours of sleep each night IF I'm lucky. Im 40 weeks tomorrow and still no signs of this baby. 2 weeks of horrible cramping & just 1cm of being dilated this whole time. I'm going crazy. I just want her out already! I cant take it anymore, pregnancy is just NOT for me. I'll gladly deal with a newborn anyday but not things physically happening to me that I cant control, if that makes sense.