Pregnant and sick please need advice. TMI


I am going to be 12 weeks tomorrow. I have been fighting this cold since I was about 7 weeks. Up until 3 days ago it was just a sinus infection and a small fever. I was doing everything that didn't involve medicine. Well 4 days ago I thought it was passing. My nose mucus wasn't yellow or green it was clear and my nose didn't bleed when I blew it. Then out of blue it came back three fold. My nose mucus is so thick I can barely get it out and it's yellow again. Nose bleeds non stop. I am now sneezing and cougjong a lot. I have mucus in my throat and I can't get it coughed up sometimes I start coughing so much and so hard I start puking.

Has anyone else gone through this. I have tried breathing in steam to loosen up mucus. I have tried breath right strips. I have tried a humidifer at my side non stop and adding essential oils. Hot showers. Sitting in bathroom with hot water making it a steam room. Honey water and lemon. Tea with honey and lemon and ginger. Soups. And nothing is working. Sometimes I wake up at night and think I am drowning because all the mucis in my nose and throat.