My poor dog!!!

OK you guys my poor dog just seems to be going from bad to worse.

So I've posted about him here a few times after his emergency splenectomy last week. I posted how I've been struggling to get him to eat. Last post was Wednesday.

Really early in Thursday morning he threw up, it was 01:00 in the morning and I couldn't quite tell what it was so I took a photo and I phoned the vet as soon as they opened Thursday.

Although he never ate Thursday, he didn't throw up again until much later. Luckily he already had the vet appointment.

At the vet, she took his temperature and though there was no fever (good), the thermometer came out covered in blood. I showed her the photo and she said that was blood. So he got admitted again to manage that and figure out where this was coming from.

I explained to her what I had done (gave some of my other dogs pain medication as he was incredibly uncomfortable) but she said because that specific medication is really gentle because it's designed for chronic, long term use she didn't think that had anything to do with that.

Apparently he didn't eat until LATE Friday, and they said he was anemic from the blood loss. This afternoon they said he wasn't eating again but he was still stable.

Well they've just phoned me and he's tested positive for pancreatitis now! She said it can sometimes be brought on by surgery.

You guys, I just feel so sorry for him. He's 13 years old, all I wanted was for him to have sparkly clean teeth and he's now spent the last week in agony! 😭😭😭 I know the alternative would have been worse (the tumour on his spleen rupturing), but still!