Almost done!


But it’s soo bittersweet for me! This is my 5th pregnancy but will be my 3rd baby. I lost one baby at 12 weeks gender unknown back in 2005 and another baby girl lost at 14 weeks last may. I currently have a 12 almost 13 year old son and a 14 year old daughter. My pregnancies with my teens were not complication free , dealt with bleeding and bad test results, closer monitoring and being induced with both for various reasons. Also had a mild case of placenta accreta! They are both extremely healthy thankfully!! I am 38 years old and have a bladder and uterine prolapse (resulted from my sons delivery). Soo this pregnancy will be my final and last and while I’m extremely 100% sure of that decision I’m also a tad bit sad lol. This pregnancy (knock on wood) has been great , I mean I did get the normal unpleasant side effects , super sick at the beginning and everything hurts , hard to get out of a sitting or laying position and all the fun pregnancy things but no complications, it’s just a normal pregnancy growing a healthy baby girl not to mention the symptoms of my prolapses are non existent because everything is big and pulled up right now and once I deliver the symptoms will be back and worse until I heal.

I’m super excited to meet my baby girl , but I will also miss this pregnancy as well.

Sorry for the book! Congratulations to all the mommies!! Hang in there! We are in the home stretch ❤️ 🌈🌈