Feeling disappointed 😒

I went for my supposed to be 13 week scan (I'm now 15 weeks and 4 days) due to doctor rescheduling. I did get to see the baby and it's doing great tried to do the gender scan and the baby would put the foot in the way every time! (Lol) now it's going to be mid January before we find out the gender. And they didn't give me an option on if I wanted to take the flu shot. Said all my Drs patients take the flu shot or he refuses to see you. While doing the scan he tells me that he was supposed to see me 2 weeks ago and now the baby is to big to see clearly by vaginaly and to small to see  abdominaly. But he just wanted to check the spine and the fluid behind the neck to check for Down syndrome. I guess what I'm frustrated with is he made me wait 2 weeks longer and now I'm behind on my sugar test and now that will be next and the gender test is pushed to mid January. Don't get me wrong I'm Beound happy the baby is healthy and doing great. The baby has the longest legs and big feet heart rate is 148