Stretch marks on top of old stretch marks?

I finally reached the 29 week mark as of today. My belly has itched on and off for about a couple of weeks now. I was really looking at my belly today and I noticed that my old stretch marks are becoming red. Not all just a few areas and no new ones have formed. Is it possible to have new stretch marks right on top of the old ones? Or is it the old ones becoming irritated and becoming red because of me itching them? 
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Yes it's possible. Because the scar tissue (your previous stretch marks) are no where near as strong as the surrounding skin. So it's easier for them to stretch/rip again if that makes sense. I have some on my legs that are doing the same thing. I've never been pregnant before so the ones on my tummy are new. But my legs are doing what you described 


Sh • Dec 2, 2015
Oh no, hopefully it's just stretch marks and not the rash!


Annie • Dec 2, 2015
Thank you for letting me know. I asked my doctor today about it and she wasn't sure if it's that or the PUPPS rash. I had that with my first child. It's not fun at all.