Story time (first time using a tampon)


Alrighty so I’ve never used a tampon. I’m 13 and I’m not super comfortable yet. I’m also a dancer with a company. A few weeks ago I was offered to be apart of a photo shoot with the company to help with marketing. The pictures would be in brochures and all that good stuff. Anyways, our uniform is a light lilac leotard and pink tights(obviously 😂) I was so exited, it could help me with my dancing career. So I want gonna turn it up. I went to put it in my calendar and realized that the Saturday the photo shoot was going to take place...I was going to start my period. So I told my mom and she said that if it were to happen then I’d use a tampon. Saturday rolled around and it happened. I didn’t freak out but I was nervous. I couldn’t wear a pad because with studio lighting and the outline of the pad and the color of the Leo I knew it wasn’t a great idea. And since it was my first shoot with the company I didn’t want ANYTHING to go wrong. Long story short my mom had to put the tampon in me... not the greatest thing. So uh yea. I don’t know I just- yea. Well yea that was my first experience. Low key hurt for like 5 mins but during the shoot I was fine. The pictures turned out fine and j was happy. Then, I had to take the tampon out.. yea I had to call a friend because I was scared the string would pop off and it’d be stuck. So yea..😂