Big Bed and No Naps


For those of you who have transitioned your lo out if their crib, are your kids still napping? And how did you go about keeping them in their room? Tips, tricks? My son decided to learn to climb out of his crib this weekend and will NOT for the life of me stay in his room. I've tried walking him back to his bed and tucking him in calmly over and over but he wont have it, he almost thinks it's a fun game. Thing is, he was actually pleasant the last 2 evenings even without a nap. He would typically nap for 3 hrs so I thought he would be a terror. He fell right asleep in the big bed at night and didn't wake once in 12 hrs. Do I give up or keep trying with the naps? My 4 year old was never like this, so this is new to me.
