Early morning struggles 😩

My son has NEVER been one to sleep 7-7 or even 7-6...

His average wake up time for most of his life has been 5:30. Sometimes earlier sometimes later and it STILL drives me crazy.

I’ve tried earlier bedtimes, later bedtimes, limiting his nap to 2hrs. I pay attention to wake windows, make sure he’s active during the day, etc. he has black out curtains & white noise in his room. I was hopeful daylight savings would help him sleep later. I moved his nap and bedtime back an hour thinking he’d just adjust like nothing changed but instead of sleeping in later he now wakes up even earlier. He’s been waking around 4:45 lately. I try to get him to go back to sleep and he won’t. Sometimes he’ll stay in his room for like an hour totally content but never goes back to sleep.

He’s only getting like 8-9 hrs of sleep at night now and I feel like I’m failing him & that he needs more sleep than that. But idk what to do anymore.

I know there’s a 2 yr sleep regression but I’m like 80% sure he already went through it.

Just feeling like I’m at a loss.. I’ve been trying for so long to get him to at least make it to 6am but I feel like nothing works and once I finally accepted the 5:30 wake ups he started waking earlier 😭 I don’t understandddddd