He doesn't love me anymore

Me and my boyfriend have been together for over a year but today he told me he didn't love me anymore So I am now in the process of trying to move back into my parents house. It all happened so fast and I truly love him and it hurts so bad I just don't understand. This can't be the end does anyone have any advice?we were so good together he was my best friend to start with and we were the perfect fit
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Posted at
Love doesn't just go away like that. Not to burst ur bubble but realistically, he probably never really loved you. He could have loved who u are but wasn't IN LOVE with you. He was an ass for saying that while u two lived together. He will come crawling back probably. I wouldn't get back with him but that ur choice. If he doesn't come back then why would you anyways? He completely dropped you so heartlessly. Look for something better. Don't dwell on it long because he isn't and too me, he isn't worth ur tears. Be strong and do thing you love to do for urself. You will be ok! I promise 


Posted at
I'm sorry. Your probably better now, you don't need immature back and forth nonsense. Move back home, and be done. A least he didn't waste any more of your time.


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Did you guys talk? Did he explain why?


Mrslevine06 • Dec 2, 2015
there is always a reason.... that doesn't seem like a good reason... there is a time in every relationship where feelings change but if he wants to give up that easy I say move on


Samantha • Dec 2, 2015
he said he didn't know what changed n he has never been through it before he just doesn't feel like he loves me anymore


Posted at
You're one step closer to finding Mr.Right ❤️ keep you head up. ☺️


Posted at
I can only imagine how much that hurts, I am so sorry to hear that. If he was willing to admit it and say it to you, he probably really means it and anything you say or do at this point isn't going to change his mind. I know that is a hard pill to swallow but just remember that everything happens for a reason even if you can't figure it out just yet. 💜


Posted at
I can't stand that I have to just give up. All I want to do is keep trying to fight for what we had a few months ago. Its killing me


Valorie • Dec 2, 2015
if he's not willing to try and can just give it up like that, forget his ass


Posted at
Realistically his attention has probably turned to another person which has turned him off to you.I'm sorry :(You deserve a mutual relationship.I give him props for honesty...but that has to hurt :(