Sex changed

So this is gonna sound stupid, my partner (31) has never really been one for thinking of my (32) enjoyment in sex. Last week, before my period started, we had sex, and it was so different than any sex we've had before, he took his time, did stuff to me that he's never bothered to do before and stupidly (for both of us) he kept going until the very last desperate minute before he pulled out to cum. He seemed to want me to enjoy myself and it's very out of character, I mean he's great and I love him but he can be a selfish lover (I'm his first real girlfriend). We have been together for almost 5 years and he has never cheated on me as far as I know, I don't think he would do that to me but definitely not since Christmas when our country went into lockdown as we've been in the house together with only my car which he doesn't drive as he's not insured for it.

Has anyone else experienced a selfish lover suddenly being generous? Should I be worried?