30 Week Appointment


Today is my 30th week appointment, what should I expect. I know every doctor and pregnancy are different but how did your appointment go ?

I have not had a sonogram done since my 20 week anatomy scan so I hoping to get one done soon.

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The same as every other appointment. Just blood pressure, weight, baby's heartbeat and fundal height and answering questions you have. It's routine. They won't do anything else until 36ish weeks where they do the strep B test and start monitoring baby's position


Posted at
With both my pregnancy's i have only got the dating scan to get a due date and anatomy scan, unless there is something wrong/worrisome such as breech baby or baby growing too big/not big enough then you will not get any more


Posted at
What everyone else said but they may also do third trimester blood work and if you’re RH- and haven’t had the rhogam shot you will probably get that!


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My first pregnancy, I only had my 12 week and 20 week ultrasound. They didn’t do any after that. I had a different doctor with my second and current pregnancy. This doctor has an ultrasound in his office and checks every appointment but specifically because they are monitoring the baby’s size because I make them big.