We have blasts!!

P • 🤰🏻with IVF baby - 2 canceled transfers - IVF Mar 21’ 3 PGT normal - IVF July 20’ no blasts - 3 IUIs - 1 pregnancy of unknown location

We got the amazing news that our 7 little embryos turned into 4 blasts. We’re now waiting on genetic testing results before we decide next steps, but hopeful!

This is a huge relief as my first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> retrieval with 28 eggs ended with no blastocysts - the most devastating loss. I highly believe I was overstimulated and that affected egg quality.

I’m happy to share what changes I made this round but mainly I would recommend reading “it all starts with the egg”