Today is a sad day


Today I had to start really strong meds that include several types of drugs in one as a quadruple therapy treatment for an infection. It’s 12 pills a day for 14 days and I can’t nurse. She still nurses 5-6x a day and I wasn’t ready to wean her.

I’m trying to pump and nothing comes out. Please pray for us. (The meds are supposedly supposed to have really bad side effects possibly making me very sick and she’s gonna have meltdowns when I can’t/won’t nurse her). I’m so so so so sad. I’ve been crying all morning.

😔😞🙏🏽 could just use prayers that she doesn’t wean herself, that my supply comes back and that I don’t get so sick that I can’t care for her since I take care of her myself.

Thank you , I didn’t know who else to tell. 😭😩🥺