Looking for other TTC ladies to chat with<3

Shay • 24 ♡ Wife ♡ Momma Bear x3 & expecting #4 June 2020
Let me start off by saying hi, and my name is Shay. I am 20 (just turned 20 a week ago). I know this page is for under 20, but I feel more comfortable talking to people closer to my age and on the 20+ page, they're all 24 and up. 
My fiancé and I have been trying (just not using protection) for a year, but now we are ready to start really trying! 
Update on me: 
My last period was Oct. 5- Oct. 14. (Irregular cycles) I am 30 days late and terrified of taking a test and getting a BFN. Symptoms include: nausea (on and off), sharp pelvic pain (on and off), lower back pain (on and off). No bleeding of any kind. 
I'm looking for people I can text / iMessage with pretty regularly to help me and me help them get through this terrifying yet hopefully rewarding process. :)