Possibility of moving in the middle of pregnancy...


Long story, but trying to include the back story. Haha

With my first daughter I birthed with an OBGYN. I wanted to have a natural birth and considered switching to a midwife and having a home birth, but didn’t have the support or education I needed to commit. I LOVED the OB I chose at the group I was at and felt very supported. However, at the office I was treated at, I had to birth with whichever OB was on call and not with the one I chose. I didn’t have a great experience. I was scared into induction, ended up with an epidural because I was in too much pain and wasn’t getting a break between contractions, felt like the birth was a chore to the nurses and the OB on call, was threatened with an episiotomy (against my wishes), had to beg for my baby after birth, didn’t delay cord clamping as long as I wanted, etc. It wasn’t everything I wanted.

I went in for my yearly well check last week and the nurse got legitimately mad at me for coming in even though I was late for my period and there was a possibility of pregnancy. Even slammed the door behind her after saying she was going to confirm the pregnancy then she was done with me. She made me feel like the pregnancy was something to be ashamed of for some reason. That day I swore I wouldn’t go back to that office no matter how much I loved my OB.

Here’s my dilemma... I want to avoid early ultrasounds or tests, but I have hashimotos/hypothyroidism that needs to be monitored regularly. I’m stuck between switching to another OB and denying tests or going ahead and going to a midwife... However, there’s a *possibility* we will be moving before the baby is born and would end up having to switch to another midwife.

Has anyone done this before? How did the switch between midwives go?