16 day period after 1.5 years on Mirena?


I need to know if anyone else has experienced this:

Before birth control my periods were as regular as they come, 27-28 day cycles, bleeding for 5-7 days, never spotting after or before a cycle.

Since getting my Mirena in August of 2019 (1 year, 8mos ago) I've still gotten my period regularly, albeit more sporadic cycles (21-35 days, usually about 30/32) and still for 5-7 days but with maybe a day or two of barely-there spotting afterwards.

But right now (for the first time in my life, I'm 29) I've had spotting for over a full week after I thought my period was over. After the first few days I thought it was just extra spotting, but then I started having light bleeding again, and then cramps, and then some light clots started coming out. Each day it varies: sometimes red, sometimes light pink, sometimes brown blood on the toilet paper. Sometimes it's clots or mucus, sometimes it's just liquid.

Granted, it's not heavy bleeding, but it's unusual for me and this most recent period was 11 days late so I took two (negative) preganancy tests and called my gynecologist's office 2 days ago. Her MA's response? It's not unusual to have this happen on the Mirena. I clarified: After a year and a half, with never having an extra-long period, it's normal to have this happen? She told me yes. I asked her how long I was supposed to have this go on for, and her response was "If you are filling a super absorbent pad for three hours and have to change it every hour on the hour, go to the ER."


Well now it's day 16 and I'm here, asking:

Has anyone else experienced, after having it for a year and a half, a 16+ day bleed on the Mirena or other hormonal IUD?

***If it's worth noting, I also developed ovarian cysts after getting on the Mirena. My gynecologist swears it's not from the Mirena but it's the only thing that has changed. Nearly every month since the day I got it (except the last 4, which has been nice) I've had alternating ovarian pain in the days leading up to my period. We did ultrasounds for 6 months straight and each time there was a 4-5cm simple cyst on either the left or right ovary.