Strict parents and scared to even go out.

Feeling trapped at home. So I’m 23 years old turning 24 in august. I still live at home and I was brought up to respect my parents and do as I told. I always been people pleaser so I never really disrespected my parents and did as I was told. I have a bf of 3+ years and we live an hour apart. So we try to see each other twice a week if not every weekend for sure. But whenever I wanna see my bf more than the usual I get shit when I get home. It’s not like I get home at 3am I get home at a reasonable time 10pm for the most part. I’m currently waiting on my bf to come over because he wants to take me out on a date night since we hardly have dates at night. And I’m incredibly nervous to walk out the door and tell my parents I’m going out. I feel like I’m not living my 24 year life. I feel like I’m to old to be scared of my parents. And I know that some of u might say “just move out” but as of rn I can not because the job that I have I can not afford to move out. I have had a talk with my parents and expressed that I’m to old to feel scared to go out with my bf as if I’m in HS. And they got angry with me and told me “if u don’t like it then leave”. They are also like this if I go out with my friends too. It’s like I can’t go out 2 days in the week with out feeling guilty or I get shit on. And whenever I’m out I can not fully enjoy it because I’m just thinking of the scolding I’m gonna get when I get home. I do pay bills at home and help out with groceries and I definitely pay for my own things I cook and clean everyday. When I did mention the thought of moving out they get angry and tell me “if u want to pay for a roof over your head pay rent here” so I said “ok name your price. But if I do pay rent u can not tell me what to do and where I can’t and can go” and they got angry and said “no are u going to be eating our food? U still going to watching our tv? Then no u still have to listen”

Ladies any advice with strict parents?