Is anyone here a social worker?

I’m graduating this spring with my Bachelor’s in Psychology. I want to get a Master’s, but I’m honestly completely lost on what direction to go. Unfortunately I’ve missed out on a lot of the application deadlines for the college I’m interested in, and social work is one of the last Master’s programs that are still open for applying and I want to go straight into my Master’s. However, I am absolutely terrified of the thought of not having enough money to support myself or my family, or not making enough money to even take vacations or save for a down payment on a house. I don’t want to be rich, but I do want to be comfortable and not live paycheck to paycheck. I’m also terrified of being burnt out and hating my job, being stuck in a job I hate, not being able to make the difference I want to make, and being traumatized as I’m an emotional/sensitive person. I’m horrible and disinterested in math so STEM and business majors are not for me. I always loved helping people and I get a lot of satisfaction from that, I’m extremely passionate when I feel there is injustice going on, and I’m fascinated by the human experience/brain, but I am not good under stress or when feeling overwhelmed. Also, I want to be able to leave my work at home. I want to be able to have time off work and be with my family. Traveling and hobbies are important to me.

I originally applied for a School Psychologist program, but I didn’t get accepted because the interview process went horribly. Now I need a backup plan and I’m considering Social Work, but I don’t know if it’s for me - especially when hearing all of the horror stories about low pay and low job satisfaction.

Would you personally recommend social work to someone else?