Feeling low

Feeling so disheartened. I’m 23 and my partner is 24. He has a son from a previous relationship and we have been trying for almost a year (probably around 9 months properly with this app and ovulation tests etc) I ovulate same time, periods are always regular and I get like a day of cramps then they are absolutely fine! I did have an ovarian cyst back In 2019 but it went away on it’s own! We have had allot of stress the past year as my partner is fighting for 50/60 with his son as his ex is a narcissist and I lost my niece to suicide back in July and I have started my own business, could it just be down to stress and timing? We have a healthy relationship full of love and passion. We don’t have sex just to get pregnant we have always kept the love and romance alive. I know it says it can take over a year but I’m just wondering if anyone is in the same boat as me or has had this and ended up pregnant? I’m starting to lose sight of ever having a baby and it kills me.

We had a false positive in feb and then this month my period was actually 2 days early but apart from that everything is fine.

I just want my family dream to come true 💕