Help! What should I do 😥 *Trigger Warning*

Im scared. I can't believe I'm in another abusive relationship. It took 4 years for him to reveal his hand. Engaged and now pregnant at 14 weeks.

He's had a progressing problem with alcohol for the last 3 years to the point he takes my card and spends the money on alcohol. Tonight it caused an argument to where he first threw a water bottle at my head. I panicked and started crying and he came over grabbed my wrist and twisted them to the point I was screaming them ripped the ring off my finger. I pushed him off me the best I could and ran to the bedroom and shut the door. There is no locks, so I pressed my body against the door to keep him from coming in. He started kicking the door, which I half expected but I started screaming again in instinct. I then run out of the room and out the front door to see if I could make it to my car and he walked out and started shooting his gun in the air. Im dumb and ran over and disarmed him and went back inside and took apart the gun.

I dont know why I didn't call the cops. This is first time he's ever laid his hands on me and he's never gotten close to crossing this line. But its a hard line for me to cross and I know I won't stay. But everything is in my name. The house, bills, cars. How do I successfully cut ties? Would I have to call the cops to be able to separate safely?