4/18 Weekend Check-In 🌷🌷🌷


Hey ladies!! Wanted to get a weekend check in started for us. So many messages I’m seeing of starting cycles, lining checks, transfer dates, two week waits, taking tests, and first ultrasounds! Sending prayers and good thoughts to all of you.

1. What updates do you have?

2. Natural cycle or medicated? What medications? Worst side effect of medications? Anything special you did this cycle?

3. How long have you been trying to conceive?

For me:

1. I did a ton of googling and my high HCG on day 12 (2095) is completely within normal numbers. Whew! I’m 6 weeks 2 days. 6 week ultrasound will be Monday. Still spotting a brown discharge since a day or two after transfer and doing my best to keep my sugar in check (type 1 diabetic with insulin pump).

2. This was a medicated cycle with lupron, baby aspirin, Gonal-F, estrace, antibiotics, and PIO. Worst side effect is constipation (powder magnesium supplement from amazon has been a game changer to help.) started acupuncture for this cycle for the first time!

3. Over 2.5 yrs; started

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

in Nov 2019; first miscarriage after fresh transfer in January at 8 weeks; chemical pregnancy in July.

I love reading all your updates every day!

Mood GIF #IVFpatienceistheworst