4/15 transfer

Brittany • Married💍 1 amazing little girl 7-9-19🤱🏽

Transferred 5day blast 4/15... anyone else? If so how are you feeling?? Please tell me there is someone!!!!

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Me too! I’m feeling a bit queasy but I think it’s the meds. I didn’t feel queasy at all last time and it was a positive (MMC at 11 weeks) so who knows. Right now trying to fight the urge to take a hpt. Last time I tested the morning of my blood work so I would feel ‘prepared’ going in, and I plan to do the same this time, so that will be on Friday the 23rd. Have I calculated right that, if our embabies stick, our due dates would be January 1?


Je • Apr 20, 2021
Progesterone + 2WW + COVID definitely can equal depression. I’m so tired all the time, but I’ve been feeling that way since I started IVF. You’re not alone


Sab🦄 * • Apr 20, 2021
Good luck Merryn! Yes, I also planned to take a test on the 23rd however I keep thinking about the test I have in my drawer since last year...I don't know if it's the meds but I I'm feeling rather depressed these past couple of days. Can the PIO and all progesterone do that? And January 1st :)) I did not check a possible due date, I had no idea the baby might come in 2022! I'll be almost 40!


Je • Apr 20, 2021
That’s amazing! Keeping my fingers crossed for you that it’s super sticky. Keep me posted!


Posted at
Hello ladies, so I caved and I tested yesterday and again today, and both tests are BFN, one single clear line. My husband says that I should not draw any conclusion. He's always the optimist. But when I tested after my other transfers 8 days pot transfer I started getting clear positive tests at this point. I was kind of expecting it to be negative as my breasts are not sore as they were. I had all kinds of other signs telling me I was pregnant the other 3 times. I'm thinking of asking a beta HCG one day early as I'm not comfortable going through with the PIO and all the other stuff if it's not the case. What do you think? How are your HPT results so far? Thank you!


Sab🦄 * • Apr 22, 2021
I'll test again tomorrow. That'll be one day before my official beta. Honestly I'm adjusting to the fact that this transfer failed.


Brittany • Apr 22, 2021
Daughter either. Stay positive!!!! Not everyone’s story is the same!


Brittany • Apr 22, 2021
I have been getting BFP since 4dpt, however I don’t have a single symptom.. my breast aren’t sore, not really feeling bloated or much of anything... I didn’t have a single symptom with my


Posted at
Yes, me :) transferred one embryo on the 15th. We are TTC our first baby ever. This is my 3rd transfer in 3 years, after multiple loses and setbacks. Hopefully the first and last transfer for 2021. I have been feeling up and down, a little bit of cramping and poor sleep during the night but otherwise I feel fine. My husband says I already act as if havinb pregnancy brains as I used to be really forgetful and aloof with my other pregnancies, even if they ended before the second trimister. And also I am trying not to think about it and act normal but that's not been successful so far :)) How are you feeling? When is your beta? Did you genetically test your embaby/embabies?


Brittany • Apr 20, 2021
Good luck and baby dust!!!


Sab🦄 * • Apr 19, 2021
No, I haven't tested, I think it's too soon and I'll be depressed until beta. I think I'll wait until Thursday or Wednesday evening ☺️


Brittany • Apr 19, 2021
I sent you a message request!