Was Something Wrong?



I went in to labor and delivery at 38 weeks and 4 days due to being horribly sick with a cold or sinus issues and kept dozing off while driving. While driving an hour home I noticed my baby wasn't moving much so I decided to head in.

They tested me for covid,strep, and the flu. All negative. They monitored me and gave me A TON of fluids. They came in a couple hours later to check me because I was having contractions but they weren't dilating me and baby wasn't even engaged. I was 3cm and 50% effaced though. So a couple more hours go by and they come tell me they are "going to treat me as if I was in labor" and see if my cervix changes. Nothing. So a few more hours go by and they end up taking me to a delivery room to "monitor me" hours go by and they come in and look at the monitors and talk about "a base line" for his heart rate or something. I didnt understand much at this point because it was getting late and I had been sick all day.

They come in at 830 pm check monitors again and tell me I'm having a baby despite me saying I wanted to go home since my cervix wasn't changing. They broke my water and my contractions stop dead in their tracks. So they start pitocin and I was stuck at a 3 for hours upon hours. Then I hit 6cm and his heart rate started dropping and they kept flipping and bending me. Still he wasn't engaged. I stalled AGAIN at 6cm and they started saying we need to get him out (still seemed calm) but they kept coming in and aggressively rubbing my stomach to get him to react??

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Maybe they were rubbing your tummy to help him move. But I also know from experience that sometimes they don't tell you or seem panicked because if they do you will stress out which isn't good for you or the baby. During labor when I was pushing my son's heart beat dropped for a second and I could tell something was wrong because they went silent and looked at the monitors. I asked if everything was ok and the doctor and nurse said yes. But after I gave birth my husband told me what happen, and how they lied to me. I'm glad they did though giving birth was already stressful enough.