Just a rant...

Jac • PepperJac:)

I want to be pregnant again so very bad because I want another baby and I want that baby to be close in age to my already 1 year old sweet boy. Unfortunately my husband doesn't want another child right now because he wants to wait until our little one is out of diapers. I know that responsibly we should wait to get pregnant until after we move at the end of the year and he is a little more set in his new job, but I am so impatient and feel so strongly about this. I'm fighting with myself trying to convince myself I can wait, but the majority of me is screaming "I want another sweet baby!" And I don't know how to deal with that or even talk to my husband about it really because he is pretty set that we are waiting until Ramzi is at least 3 or 4. I don't know what to do. Ugh!!!