Awkward situation

Hey yall. I've been planning my wedding and i've decided that I want my grandfather to walk me down the aisle. I don't really know how to tell my father this as he is actively a part of my life. I don't have a great relationship with my father even though he has been in my life since birth. I didn't think much of how abusive he was until I went to high school and all of the long term symptoms of his abuse really came to my attention. I also can't (my brain won't let me) remember most of my childhood with him and all of the really bad memories I had. My mom still remembers them though. He was more so of an absent father in the fact that he never went to any of my games, recitals, supported me in anything, family trips, etc. It was all my mom. My grandfather (moms dad) is my best friend. I consider him more as a father as he has taught me most of the lessons that a father should teach their daughter and has really shown me the love and care that I needed. I do have daddy issues, anxiety, depression, self confidence, and self love issues that all stem from him. I was also hyper sexual due to me never really receiving attention from him other than the abuse or when I was in trouble. How should I tell my father that I do not want him to walk me down the aisle?