Due date baby! 4/23/21


I had my membranes stripped on Wednesday with no signs of labor following. Thursday I started having some brown discharge, which continued into Friday. There was quite a bit of it. No contractions still, but some cramping.

Baby had some decreased fetal movement. It was stressing me out, so I told my husband I was going into the hospital to get checked. We both kind of felt like the baby was probably fine but I needed to be put at ease.

Friday night around 8 he drops me off at the hospital and I get checked in at L&D. Baby is doing well. Monitors say I am having contractions which surprises me because I can barely feel more than a period cramp! They are 3-4 minutes apart, and I'm also 5 cm dilated. They tell me I'm staying because I'm in labor!

I was so shocked that I wasn't in pain because with my first child the contractions were very obvious and very painful, I was in labor with an epidural for 12 hours. This time around I was straight chillin'. Super bizarre. I decided to get an epidural even though things were progressing really fast because I just wanted to keep things as easy as possible. I'm glad I did because after they broke my water things definitely picked up. I went from 8 cm to 10 cm in about 20 minutes. After being at the hospital for just 3 hours baby Veda Kay was born.

Had I not gone to the hospital we likely would have had a car baby or an at home birth! The epidural slowed the process down a bit. Still can't believe how fast she came and how different it was from my first labor!