Is 5 weeks too soon to announce pregnancy to parents ?

I’m 4.5 weeks right now, my moms birthday is coming up and I’ll be 5.2 weeks. I thought it would be the perfect time to surprise her since she wouldn’t be expecting an announcement, she would just think me and my husband got her a birthday present. I was thinking of putting a cute box in the bottom of her present with a pregnancy test in it and baby onesie so that she will see it after she opens her other gifts.. But I don’t know if it’s too soon?? Should I just wait until mothers day when I’m just 1 day shy of 7 weeks? Did any of y’all announce that early?

*Also I had a chemical pregnancy 2 months ago, at around 4 weeks and a couple days, I had never announced it tho, but I don’t think that will happen with this one, last time my lines stayed super light, this time I have dye stealers and have completely missed my cycle (started bleeding the day after AF was due when I had a chemical) I feel a lot more confident with this one but ofc I know MC is still always a possibility