Growth Spurt


My daughter has been sleeping through since 9 weeks. She's had a great routine and I felt like we we're getting somewhere.

The only time her sleep has been disrupted is when she's had her immunisations.

She recently had her 12 week immunisations and alongside this she is teething and her reflux has flared up badly again.

All this combined has lead to a few unsettled nights with limited sleep.

I haven't changed anything in her routine, I've kept it exactly the same. I know she'll likely fall back into her old sleep pattern but is there anything I can try to help her settle better?

At the moment I am using calpol and Astons and Parsons teething granules which seem to work for a short period of time.

Any tips would be appreciated?

She is also feeding constantly throughout the day. She doesn't appear to he going more than hour inbetween feeds and her sleep during the is limited too.