Update: Trigger Warning - Beta Day

Val • Christian | Wife | Mother ‘09 & ‘21 | YouTube "Errick & Val Coleman" | 6yrs TTC | Severe MFI | IVF Mar.’21 | Successful FET April ‘21 | Twins Born 11/14 @ 32wks | BoyMom

As I sit here typing this, I am so thankful to Jesus because if you knew the struggle to get here & how my marriage went through & we never saw this day coming, you would understand! Our transfer was 4/20 & I didn’t test before today because I didn’t want to be more worried/concerned than I already was. Today also was my beta day (10dp5dft).

Around 3:45am - I woke up and tested (I’ve been waking up around this time for some days) & I knew I was going to test before Beta just not any days before. I closed my eyes bc after 6yrs...You just never know...& got this from a test I’ve had for months.

I went for my bloodwork at 9am and got the results before the clinic did 😂

1st beta - 496

So, I texted my nurse the results & she called me short of breathe excited and telling me “Congratulations!!! That’s an amazing number! & I know they say don’t read too much into the numbers but this seems like both stuck!” Somehow we ended up on FaceTime.

She gave me the go ahead to share with hubs, so I created this from a picture I purchased by faith 3yrs ago 😱

I go back for my 2nd beta Monday. I’m claiming all that God has for us. I pray you ladies have good results too!


Beta #2 - 1851 (13dp5dt)

Beta #3 - 4156 (15dp5dt)

Tomorrow 5/11/21 will be our first ultrasound at 5wks 5days


We are having twins! My first ultrasound (it was too early for the heartbeats)