How many weeks were u ur first ob appointment?

As soon as u got ur positive or later on?

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First OB visit was around 10 weeks, but then was told I was 11 weeks, scheduled an ultrasound for later in the week and had to cancel due to covid. So now our first ultrasound is today at 14 weeks and I’m overthinking and nervous for not yet hearing a heartbeat or anything. This is our 2nd pregnancy.


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I was first seen at 7 weeks.


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Had my first at 10 weeks even though I had previously lost a pregnancy.


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First I got at 5w, then follow up 7w. I changed providers so I had another one at 10w. I called around until someone could take me in that week I found out because I wanted it confirmed by a doctor LOL. I didn’t believe it at all.


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3 weeks I thought I was 5 though🤦‍♀️


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Between 8 - 10 weeks


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8 weeks for an ultrasound. 11 weeks for a phone visit. 16 weeks first in person appt


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5 weeks


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8 is good. Before then, there’s a chance you won’t see a heartbeat and that just leads to anxiety.


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I was about 6 weeks but didn’t get first ultrasound until after my hcg levels were over 6,000. Which was at 7 weeks.