I had two preemie baby's
I'll start off with my beautiful daughter Annie Mae Olivia. She was born Nov 10, 2012 at 31 weeks and weighted 2lbs 14oz
She has turned into a beautiful little girl and full of love. She has so much energy and so smart.
She loves to wear her dresses and make-up
My beautiful sunshine
Her brother Benjamin James was born July 22, 2020 28 weeks and weighted 1lb 5oz
He was a fighter just like his sister
He is now 9 months old and just keeps getting stronger as time passes
The smiles and laughter is all I need
She was the first person to hold him when he came home and they are so strong.
But for health reasons I can't have anymore because my heart isn't strong enough to give birth again. I had two heart attacks last year and now have a stent in my heart.
And this amazing man that came into my life 5/28/2017 and stepped up and loved my daughter like his own. He is so loving and does what he can to be here for me and the kids. It took so long for me to even have one but God sent me two beautiful baby's and a amazing man to show me what love is and I wouldn't change anything.
Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.