HCG went from 12 to 39 to *560*

Emma • Married 22 y/o TTC baby #1 ❤️ April 2020 👼🏼 May 2020 👼🏼 TTC 12+ months Cycle 1 Femara❌ C2 ❌ C3 ❌ C4 ❌ Due January 2022 with our 🌈

This is my third (and hopefully first sticky) pregnancy. At first I was kind of concerned because my betas were so low (12 at 9 dpo and 39 at 12 dpo) but they suddenly shot up to 560 at 17 dpo (23 hour doubling time). I read that sudden faster progression in hcg is a sign of twins, I also got a really early positive. My first 2 pregnancies were at 13 and 11 dpo and this time is was a faint but clear positive at 8 dpo. Any thought?

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