I crave non edible things 🤤🤤🤤

There is a list of things I like the SMELL off even before pregnancy but now the list keeps getting bigger of things I literally want to chow down. My mouth literally waters at the smell of certain things and being 28 weeks I want it all😫

Couple examples: coal, gas, things with a powdery gritty texture, a makeup pallet I have (the smell makes me want to wat it), menthol (there is a gum flavour that exactly replicates it in england that I can't find in america)

DISCLAIMER: Although I wishhh I could eat these things and what not I know DAMN RIGHT not to consume any of these things and I have self control so there is no way in this planet would I put my baby in any harm.

I just wanted to put this out there. That's all. Don't attack me.