Really low cramping?

Lindsay • 28 🌈🌈💖 due 10/31/21!

I am currently 14+4, and woke up today with really low cramping. I’m thinking it’s actually bladder pain, since I did not get up to pee last night, and my bladder was pretty full when I woke up. I also had the same pain after teaching this morning, and not being able to run to the bathroom, and again this afternoon after I got out of work. I called my OB and they’re having me go for a urine test, but does this sound like a UTI?

I’ve only had one once before, and had no symptoms. It doesn’t burn when I pee, no blood, no weird smell, etc., so I don’t have the “typical” symptoms. If it is, I’ll be on antibiotics, but is there anything I can do to prevent it from happening again, other than just drinking more water (I drink 80+ ounces per day)? Cranberry juice? AZO? Cranberry pills? (Maybe I’m just crazy?)