Empty Gestational Sac at 6 Weeks 1 Day


Hi everyone,

I’m am not doing well today. I went in for an early ultrasound because I had a miscarriage in December of last year. We saw a gestational sac but nothing in it. No yolk. No fetal pole. I’m absolutely devastated. The sac measured 5 weeks 4 days. My doctor said she isn’t ready to throw in the towel yet and that I may have ovulated later than I thought. I know I didn’t though. I track with OPKs and had ovulation pain on the 5th so I know I ovulated on the 6th. Waited patiently until 14dpo (the 20th) to test and got my positive.

I go back a week from Monday for another scan, but I’m losing hope that there will be anything in there. I’m just so sad. Started crying in the middle of dinner and I’m finding it hard to concentrate on anything else.

There may be some hope, but it’s small. Realistically I feel like I’m probably going to lose this one too. 😢