Pregnant / relapse

i’m 20 weeks pregnant, I have a toddler at home, and the baby’s father is a recovering heroin addict. He relapsed once when our son was an infant & sent himself to rehab, and got better. For a while. I am now pregnant with baby #2, our daughter, and I caught him. He failed a drug test, promised he didn’t need rehab and he was going back to work which requires pop up drug tests, but today, instead of going to a hiring office, I caught him in the bathroom with heroin. My son and I in the next room. I’m disgusted, I’m angry, and I’m done. He’s going to rehab tomorrow but I’m pretty sure he’s only going because he thinks it’ll save our relationship. But it won’t.

I’m a patient person. I understand slip ups happen. But this isn’t the only thing that he has done to cross some unforgivable lines. Before his first relapse, he had a mental breakdown and tried to take my infant son from me almost succeeding because he is a master manipulator, and even had cops believing I was an unfit mother. He’s cheated 3-4 times before my son was born. I don’t even remember to be honest. Now drugs. I don’t want this life for me or my kids. I’m so stressed and exhausted and hurt and broken. I don’t know how I’m going to provide for my son and this new baby when she gets here because we rely on him a lot. Sigh.

Update for anyone who cares: he’s been using since December and i had no idea. He left rehab after one day to get high again and then had his mom take him back to rehab. I’m sad.