I Just Dont Know


So on April 22nd, I was having some pain in my body and early pregnancy symptoms. My boobs were throbbing, some lower back pain, and some nausea. So went and took a test and it was positive but it was faint. Went the next day and got a digital pregnancy test and it came back positive. We were super excited, we ahead and made a OB Appt for May 18th. After I found out I was pregnant, I had what I think is AF. Last week I had some back pain and made a Dr appt for May 6. Told the dr that I was pregnant and he had me do another urine pregnancy test, his came back negative. He set me up to get blood work done on May 7th and now I'm waiting for the test. I'm not sure what is going on and just have questions... Anybody can give me some feedback on this situation??

This was the Faint Positive.

This was the Digital test I bought the day after.